Give the Gift of Learning with a Faith+Lead Gift Card

Inspire and Uplift Your Colleagues and Friends

Give a thoughtful and meaningful gift that won’t take up space but will leave a lasting impact.

How It Works


Select the desired value for your e-Gift card.


Add a heartfelt message to make your gift special.


Send the e-Gift Card directly to the recipient on your desired delivery date.

A Thoughtful Gift

Support their Faith Journey and Ministry Endeavors

Our e-Gift Cards grant access to Faith+Lead’s on-demand courses, thoughtfully designed in short modules that can be completed in just 30-45 minutes. Explore a selection of courses that covers a range of topics to support everyone from the spiritually curious to the steadfast leaders.

Anyone Looking to Grow in Faith

Great for those seeking to hone the ability to recognize and articulate God’s work in their everyday life. Whether that be a pastor, a volunteer stepping up into a more supportive role, or the person of faith you know seeking a more fulfilling spiritual journey.

New to Preaching or Leading

Transform preaching from a daunting task into a heartfelt expression of faith by tapping into the pulse of the spiritually curious, active seekers or seasoned disciples alike, breathing life into biblical texts, and bridge the gap between the scripture and their everyday lives.

Youth Ministry Leaders, Volunteers & Parents

Lean into the art of storytelling to strengthen faith, inspire others and connecting young hearts to God’s story like never before. This course empowers you to engage with stories that matter, from timeless biblical narratives to your own life experiences.

Church Leaders, Council & Board Members

Give them the biblical grounding and actionable processes for focusing the congregation outward and transforming the way we function beyond our sanctuary’s walls—as God’s hands and feet out in the world.

Rural Ministry Leaders and Volunteers

Living and serving in a rural community has challenges are different from those in urban or suburban contexts. Equip rural lay leaders to thrive and plant the seeds of faith and growth in their communities.

Women Ministry Leaders & Volunteers

Embark on an uplifting voyage of self-realization and purpose through a window into a refreshing perspective on Church history filled with people, not unlike yourself, whom God has called for momentous tasks.

Share the Gift of Learning

Choose the amount you’d like to gift (most courses are $55), add the email address of your recipient, and include a special note. Finally, select the date when you’d like your gift to be delivered!
